Healthy weight loss diet that will generate long lasting results

Diet Plan For A Healthy Weight Loss

Almost all of us are obsessed with “jumpstarting” a weight loss journey. But is it really worth it? Is it okay to starve yourselves for hours and then eat only the lowest calorie foods which do not even supply the required energy to the body? Well, it’s SO not okay. This is not how it works. This will not jumpstart your weight loss however, it might introduce some diseases to your body. The best way is to lose weight in a healthy manner. Everyone needs a perfectly balanced and healthy weight loss diet to make sure that the body does not run out of essential nutrients.

Even if you are aware of the importance of a healthy weight loss diet, most people don’t exactly know what to it. I am here to help you with that. This article will discuss some of the best foods for healthy weight loss along with breakfast, lunch, and dinner choices that you can make.

Foods That You Must Include In A Healthy Weight Loss Diet

There are some food options that are ideal to consume when one is trying to lose weight. These food items work by keeping the body full for a long time, providing the required nutrition to the body, and sometimes also by increasing the body’s metabolism. Some of these foods are discussed below.


cut apples

Can’t refrain from saying “an apple a day keeps weight gain away”. IT ACTUALLY DOES! Apples are the most underappreciated of all the fruits and that is kind of unfair keeping in mind all the benefits of apples. Apples are antioxidant-rich fruits that help to eliminate the inflammation-causing toxins from the body. No inflammation thus implies no unwanted weight gain. But the wonders of apple do not end here. Apples are loaded with fiber. This makes apples more filling than other foods containing the same amount of calories. The fiber in apples also maintains gut health and helps a great deal when it comes to a healthy metabolism.

Chia Seeds

chia seeds for healthy weight loss

The role of chia seeds in healthy weight loss can not be emphasized enough! it will not be wrong to say that these little buggers are dynamite for a healthy weight loss. One serving of chia seeds which is about two tablespoons contains almost ten grams of fiber. Fiber does its job in weight loss by making you feel full hence preventing you from overeating or quick snacking on junk. Chia seeds work by expanding in your gut, therefore, literally making it full. These seeds can be best used as an ingredient in your yogurt, smoothies, or puddings.

Whole Eggs


Eggs are the central and most important part of any weight loss diet. For the longest time, whole egg due to being high in cholesterol was considered extremely bad for health. But they have been making a come back in recent years as more and more people are satisfied and recommend eggs for weight loss. This doesn’t mean that you can have as many eggs as you want. You must limit your quantity as consuming a large number of eggs can definitely raise the “bad” cholesterol levels in the body. a study showed that eating eggs for breakfast can decrease your appetite for the next 36 hours! Moreover, this feeling of fulness comes with an abundant supply of protein which is provided by the egg whites.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

To make sure that you’re losing weight in a healthy manner, it is important to ensure that your body is getting sufficient energy. For that, it is necessary that the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that you’re having are loaded with nutrients and are composed of the minimum amount of calories. Some meals options that you can consider for a healthy weight loss are mentioned below.



Breakfast being the first and most important meal of the day shall be loaded with energy. For breakfast, you can have oatmeal along with some fruits like berries. Along with that, you can add chia seeds into your oatmeal to make it more filling. You can also go with eggs, fried, boiled, or scrambled, whatever you prefer. Try to keep your breakfast loaded with fruits to give an energetic start to your day.



The best options for snacks are mixed nuts, apple slices with peanut butter, dark chocolate, and almonds.


lunch salad

For lunchtime, you can have a salad consisting of chickpeas, kale, and tomatoes. Chickpeas are extremely beneficial for weight loss and combining them with vegetables will be just an ideal lunch combination. You can also have a fruit, veggies, and cheese plate consisting of your favorite fruits and vegetables.


grilled chicken for healthy weight loss diet

The best option for dinner is grilled chicken along with some greens. Loaded with protein, the chicken will provide you with the right nutrition and will boost weight loss.

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