Kidney stone prevention and treatment

Kidney Stone Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, & Prevention

Kidney stones are a common disease that is linked directly to one’s dietary habits. More than 3 million people per year seek treatment for kidney stones. This implies that a large ratio of people all around the world falls prey to this problem. Incorporating certain lifestyle and dietary changes can help to deal with this issue. Whatever medication or routine that you’re following, it’s important to be consistent with it. If kidney stone symptoms are ignored for a long period of time, serious health issues can be caused. If the problem worsens, make sure to consult a doctor. This article will discuss some facts about kidney stones along with some of the best food options to deal with the disease.

kidney stone

Most Important Facts About A Kidney Stone

There are some common misunderstandings about kidney stones that must be clarified. The facts listed below will definitely clear these misconceptions for you.

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Calcium Is Not The Reason Of A Kidney Stone

Contrary to common belief, calcium DOES NOT cause kidney stones. In fact, if consumed in moderate amounts, calcium can actually help to reduce the risk of this problem.

Kidney Stones Are Not Uncommon

Many people believe this problem to be an uncommon and unproblematic disease. The truth is quite opposite of this delusion. One in 10 people develop kidney stones at some part of their lives. Also, if the problem is ignored, it can cause serious harm to health.

Knowing The Type Of  A Kidney Stone Can Be Helpful

It is recommended to save kidney stones for testing if you pass it. Testing can help to identify the type and cause of kidney stones. This in turn will help to prevent kidney stones in the future.

Different Sizes Require Different Treatments

The size of kidney stones can vary greatly. The type of treatment required greatly depends on the size of the kidney stone. Therefore, it is very important to determine the size of stones to go for the appropriate treatment.

Prevention Is Definitely Better Than Treatment In This Case

We have heard this phrase regarding multiple diseases. For this problem, the phrase is just on point. A Kidney stone can be easily prevented by consuming the right diet. People who consume enough water are at very low risk of developing kidney stones. The treatment for this problem, on the other hand, is very difficult. In most cases, surgery is the only option, which is both, painful and costly.

Causes And Symptoms Of A Kidney Stone 

In most cases, the cause of kidney stones is dehydration. Some other factors that can cause kidney stones include excessive intake of certain vitamins. Vitamin C is mostly the reason for this problem which makes it the biggest culprit. Large amounts of this vitamin can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones, which is the most common type of kidney stone. Other foods that can cause the problem include dietary protein, sodium, and fat. It is important to consume a balanced diet to prevent this problem.

In most cases, kidney stones are “silent” and show no symptoms however, in some cases severe kidney pain can occur. The pain makes the patient constantly uncomfortable and this pain is often accompanied by vomiting, sweating, and nausea.

causes and symptoms

Treatment Of The Disease

If given enough time, a kidney stone will pass without intervention. But for that, it is important that the patient is consuming enough amount of water. Doctors also recommend hydration analgesics and alpha-blockers that help the stones to pass. These medications work by relaxing the ureteral smooth muscle. In case of intolerable pain and severe symptoms, extreme measures are taken which include surgery and laser treatment. The location of kidney stones also determines what type of treatment will be best and will work most effectively.

treatment of kidney stones

Foods That Are Best For Kidney Stones

Maintaining a diet consisting of enough quantities of fruits and vegetables is very important. There are some food items that are considered to be the best for the prevention of this problem.


The importance of water to prevent and treat kidney stones can not be emphasized enough. Drinking water is the easiest and the most effective way to deal with kidney stones. The recommended water consumption is two to three liters per day.

importance of water

Whole grains

A common staple and an easily affordable food option, whole wheat can be of great help to manage kidney stones. By maintaining a healthy weight, whole wheat food items can prevent and treat kidney stones.

importance of whole grains


The citrate present in lemons is exceptionally beneficial for kidney stones. Citric acid can even help to break up the stones that are already existing.


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