11 Pakistani Female Celebrities Who Are Just Having Fun [Pictures]

They sure know how to keep their fans entertained.

Female Celebrities

We’ve all seen our favorite female celebrities in ‘diva mode’, looking out-of-this-world gorgeous. They are always ready to pose for the cameras and give us a flawless photoshoot to gush over.

However, some of our beloved celebrities have also given us the goofiest pictures for laughs. Let’s take a look at when the showbiz queens made their fans giggle with their foolishness.


Saeen Toh Saeen, Saeen Ki Moochien Bhi Saeen. Amna Ilyas’s goofiness is beyond what social media can handle!


Yumna Zaidi looks adorable as ever being her cheerful self!


If ‘laugh like nobody is listening’ had a face, Ayesha Omar’s picture would be on it.


Looks like Hira Mani is ‘dabbing’ on all the haters…
Iqra Aziz definitely knows the saying ‘Mooch nahi toh kuch nahi’


Nida Yasir’s ‘don’t know, don’t care’ look.


Mawra Hocane being unapologetically herself and looking gorgeous!


Meesha Shafi looks like a Snapchat filter and it’s making us LOL


Momal be like “but first, let me take a selfie!” I’m sure all of us can relate.


We’re in love with Saboor Aly and her adorable poses


Is that a teddy bear? Oh wait, that’s just our favorite star Kubra Khan!


Which one is your favorite out of all these female celebrities? Let us know!


Via Reviewit


These Pakistani Actresses Look Amazingly Elegant in Dupattas [Pictures]