In an electrifying live Instagram session held on March 14 to celebrate his birthday, Bollywood icon Aamir Khan sent shockwaves through the internet with a thrilling revelation about the much-anticipated sequel to the timeless comedy gem, Andaz Apna Apna. Amidst the frenzy of messages pouring in, the actor unleashed a bombshell, disclosing that acclaimed filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi is currently concocting the script for Andaz Apna Apna 2, as exclusively reported by Pinkvilla.
“Rajkumar Santoshi is on board, crafting the script for Andaz Apna Apna 2,” announced Aamir, igniting a firestorm of excitement among fans. Bursting with enthusiasm for the project, he exclaimed, “I’m thrilled that he’s diving into this because I truly believe it has the potential to be an absolute blockbuster for all of us and a sheer delight for audiences worldwide.” Yet, he offered a word of caution, reminding fans that while the project is in motion, it’s still in its early stages, urging them to brace themselves for the rollercoaster ride of anticipation leading up to its eventual release.
The revelation has ignited a fervent wave of excitement among fans, who have been eagerly anticipating the sequel to the 1994 cult classic. With Aamir’s confirmation, expectations are soaring for the iconic duo of Amar and Prem, portrayed by Aamir Khan and Salman Khan, to grace the silver screen once again with their comedic charm and camaraderie. The burning question of whether Salman will join Aamir, and in what capacity, adds an extra layer of anticipation to the mix.
In addition to the bombshell about Andaz Apna Apna 2, Aamir also addressed inquiries about the possibility of a collaboration between himself, Salman, and Shah Rukh Khan, following their recent appearance at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding gala in Gujarat’s Jamnagar.
Expressing mutual interest in the idea, Aamir revealed,
We’ve been contemplating the idea of working together – Shah Rukh, Salman, and myself. We’ve discussed the possibility of collaborating on a film at various times. We feel it’s something we owe to ourselves and our fans. So, the idea has been there for a while. Now, it’s just a matter of finding the right script. If we come across something that excites all of us, we’ll pursue it. The enthusiasm to work together is there.
Aamir’s words have set tongues wagging about the potential reunion of the Khan trio on the silver screen, sparking hopes among fans for a blockbuster collaboration that transcends mere stardom.
As fans eagerly anticipate further developments on both fronts, Aamir’s birthday revelations promise a tantalizing glimpse into the future of Bollywood. With the potential resurrection of beloved classics and the prospect of monumental collaborations on the horizon, it’s an exciting time to be a Bollywood enthusiast.