In an unexpected yet intriguing move, renowned Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has ventured into the beauty industry with a collaboration with MyGlamm to introduce the MyGlamm POUT collection.
The collection aims to redefine lip care with a range of pigmented, plumping lipsticks designed to offer users an instantly voluminous and glossy pout.
The focal point of this collaboration is the #WhenInDoubtPout campaign, an initiative challenging traditional beauty norms. Encouraging individuals to embrace moments of uncertainty with a confident pout, the campaign seeks to transform “when in doubt, pout” into a mantra for celebrating inner beauty and self-assuredness.
In a joint announcement with Pout by Karan Johar, the filmmaker expressed his enthusiasm, stating,
Get ready to Pout, baby! Introducing MyGlamm Pout by Karan Johar—10 sensational shades for that celebrity-worthy pout!
The ‘King of Pouts’ brings his unique perspective into the beauty world, inspiring users to redefine their pout with the MyGlamm POUT lipstick range. Beyond being a mere collection of lip products, this collaboration is presented as a celebration of individuality and empowerment, seeking to offer a fresh take on the concept of a pout.
In an exclusive interview with CNBC-TV18’s Zenia Baria, Karan discussed the vision behind the POUT collection. He emphasized that beauty, for him, is an expression of individuality and confidence.
With POUT, he aimed to design a collection that empowers everyone to embrace their unique beauty, catering to diverse skin tones and preferences.
Expressing excitement about the partnership with MyGlamm, Karan highlighted the joint effort to introduce a collection that not only promises high quality but also sets trends in the beauty industry. Furthermore, he hinted at POUT being the initial offering in a broader series of makeup products to come.