Handwritten Urdu Wedding Invitation Card from 1933 Goes Viral

What a treasure.

An 89-year-old Urdu wedding invitation card from Delhi has just gone viral for its simplicity, penmanship, and vintage essence. Sonya Battla, a native of Karachi, tweeted the piece of her family history last week and it has since amassed over 700,000 views online.

Her caption read, “My grandparents’ wedding invitation around #1933 #Delhi”

The ancient, coffee-brown card had the painstakingly written invitation for Sonya Battla’s great grandfather’s son’s wedding.

It reads:

I praise and pay gratitude to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). I am thankful to Allah Almighty for this blessed time. Wedding of my son, Hafiz Muhammad Yousaf is scheduled on 23 April 1933/27 Zil-Hajj 1351 on Sunday

The bride’s house was in Kishan Ganj, where the baraat was to go, as per the card.

The groom’s father said,

I welcome you to come to my house on Qasim Jaan Street, and then accompany us to the house of the Bride in Kishan Ganj Locality, to participate in the nikkah and enjoy dinner. Walima is on the 24th of April, 1933/28th of Zil-Hajj 1351. Come to my house at 10 a.m. to become a part of the walima and make me grateful.

He also stated that the baraat will depart at 11:30 AM and that he appreciates punctuality.

The invitation was reportedly written by Hafiz Shahaab-ud-Din Muhammad Ibrahim of Delhi.