‘Lappu Sa Sachin’: Seema Haider Takes Legal Action Against Her Neighbor

The Pakistani woman is currently residing in India with her husband.

Pakistani woman, Seema Haider has had enough of her neighbor, Mithilesh Bhati, for her “Lappu Sa Sachin” tirade against her husband, Sachin Mehta.

Seema, who is currently residing in India, plans to sue her neighbor for making derogatory remarks against her husband.

The viral video captured Bhati repeatedly questioning Sachin Mehta’s dignity and openly criticizing him in public forums.

Seema Haider’s lawyer, AP Singh, addressed the media, emphasizing that derogatory comments based on physical appearance and skin color will not be tolerated, especially in a diverse country like India. Singh announced their intention to pursue legal action against Mithilesh Bhati for her remarks.

In a diverse country like ours, insults based on skin color and physical attributes will not be tolerated. We are planning to take legal action against the woman.

In response to the accusations, Mithilesh Bhati defended her comments, stating that her words were not intended as insults but were spoken in anger. She justified her use of language, explaining that such colloquial terms are common in local conversations. She cited an example of people referring to her as “lappi” without her becoming one.

The incident involving Seema Haider has garnered significant media attention, especially considering her unconventional love story. Seema, who illegally entered India via Nepal to be with her Indian lover, Sachin Mehta, has faced legal troubles for her actions.

Their story, which began when they met while playing the online game PUBG, has made headlines over the past month.

Amid the media frenzy, Bollywood producer Amit Jani has reportedly extended a film offer to Seema and Sachin. The newly established film production house, ‘Jaani Fire Fox,’ has proposed roles for the couple in an upcoming film titled ‘A Tailor Murder Story.’