Mikaal Zulfiqar Speaks Out Against Bollywood’s Exploitation of Pakistani Actors

The actor cited his prior experience working in the Bollywood industry.

Actor Mikaal Zulfiqar expressed his discontent with the way Bollywood exploits Pakistani actors. His candid remarks came during a guest appearance on Mohib Mirza’s The Knock Knock Show.

During the show, Mohib talked about Pakistani stars nowadays would jump at the opportunity to work in Bollywood, but Mikaal is not one of those people.

Mikaal, who has worked in India, openly shared his reservations about taking on any Bollywood projects. He cited his prior experience working in Bollywood, expressing his displeasure at the way Indian filmmakers would often casts Lollywood actors in offensive stereotypical roles that portray Pakistanis negatively.

The Fraud star stated,

Bollywood takes advantage of Pakistani actors. They will either cast them in a way that perpetuates offensive stereotypes or relegate them to supporting or inconspicuous roles. There’s often a lack of substantial or leading roles given to Pakistani actors.

Mikaal Zulfiqar went on to describe this approach as exploitative and not conducive to fostering a sense of equality in the industry.

He emphasized the need for the newer generation of actors to be discerning when it comes to Bollywood opportunities and to prioritize their own industry, given the current quality of content being produced in Pakistan.

He further expounded on his stance, declaring that he is content working in Lollywood. Mikaal praised the Pakistani entertainment sector for generating high-quality content, implying that the industry was on an upward trajectory, making it an appealing and fulfilling place to focus his talent.

Check out the full interview here:

Mikaal Zulfiqar has been in the entertainment industry since 2007. He made his acting debut with the role of Abdullah in the Pakistani Urdu film Godfather. The starlet has appeared in countless commercials and several different photoshoots.

He was starred in shows like Ruswai, Ramz-e-Ishq, Khasara, and Aakhri Station. Needless to say, the Qaraar star is not only talented but also exceptionally handsome.

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