Mystery: These Twin Babies Were Born Decades Apart

This is unbelieavble!

twin babies

Our world is full of surprises. Where 2020 was celebrated by billions across the globe, this happiness was doubled for those who welcomed their new families. But did you hear the news? A pair of twins were born in two different decades.

How is that possible?

Dawn Gilliam, a woman from Indiana, USA gave birth to her twin babies on the New Year’s Eve. Apparently, Dawn was expected to deliver by February. However, her health deteriorated and the doctors were forced to do an emergency operation.

On December 31 at 11:37 pm, little Joslyn was born and with an exact difference of 30 minutes, her brother Jaxon entered the world at 12:07 am. Well, looks like the little angels couldn’t wait to celebrate the New Year with their family.


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Different dates, different years and different decades.

This surprising turn of events means that Joslyn was born in 2019 while her brother Jaxon was born in 2020, placing them a whole decade apart.

While speaking to a news outlet, the father of the twins said that they were not expecting this and still cannot believe that it has happened.

“Earlier, we talked about it would be great to have them born on different dates, but we never expected this surprise with different dates, different years and a different decade.”

The couple are already parents to a 10-year-old and a 5-year-old. With the arrival of their twin babies, they both are planning to raise their kids in Pendleton, Indiana.

“It’s been a ride, that’s for sure. It’s been a good ride,” said Tello, the father.


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