The PML-N heir and son of Maryam Nawaz Junaid Safdar tied the knot with former NAB Chairman’s daughter Ayesha Saif Khan in an intimate Nikkah ceremony In London. The wedding festivities of the couple carried on Pakistan a few week later. The lavish wedding of the famous couple created a buzz on the internet and still continues to amaze the public with their artistic talents, wardrobe choices, and adorable portraits.
Recently, the details of the groom Junaid Safdar’s gold shawl did rounds on social media. During the Mehndi event of the star couple, Junaid was seen draping a vintage shawl. This beautiful shawl is an antique piece made from 70-year-old fabric. It is an original shatoosh shawl that changes its color from original to gold with time.
And adding to our amazement this gorgeous vintage piece is $17000, which is estimated approximately to be a whopping 3 million Pakistani Rupees.
And the charming Junaid Safdar surely increased its worth by draping it so gracefully on his big day and did justice to the price tag.
Do you think the shawl lives up to the price? Let us know in the comment section below.