Ranveer Singh and Johnny Sins Address Men’s Health in Heartening Threesome Video

The Bollywood star decided to help Johnny who “can’t sin.” 😐

In a plot twist nobody saw coming, Bollywood heartthrob Ranveer Singh teamed up with self-proclaimed doctor, fireman, plumber, and adult ‘entertainer’ Johnny Sins for what can only be described as the most bizarre ad of the year.

The ad, shot in the style of a typical Indian saas-bahu drama, has gone viral, setting the internet on fire with its over-the-top antics and eyebrow-raising storyline.

The ad, commissioned by a sexual healthcare brand, aims to tackle the taboo surrounding men’s sexual health issues while simultaneously providing viewers with a healthy dose of laughter.

In true saasbahu drama, the commercial features Johnny Sins as a man whose marriage is on the rocks due to his alleged inability to “sin” in the bedroom.

Ranveer Singh swoops in to save the day, hilarity ensues with cheesy dialogue, like Johnny’s on-screen wife lamenting that his “Pappu can’t dance” and his “Johnny can’t sin,” leading to dramatic confrontations and even a slap from the mother-in-law that leads to her slowly falling over the balcony as Johnny rushes to save his wife.

Social media exploded with reactions to the ad, with users expressing a mix of shock, amusement, and disbelief. One Twitter user couldn’t contain their astonishment, exclaiming, “BRO WHAT IN THE WORLD JOHNNY SINS DOING IN INDIAN COMMERCIAL WITH RANVEER SINGH 😭😭😭😭😭😭”

Another user couldn’t resist making a cheeky joke about the pairing, suggesting,

Ranveer said in an interview he doesn’t like to wear clothes and Johnny Sins is also nude most of the time. They can star in a movie called the nude bros.

Despite the initial bewilderment, the ad campaign has sparked important conversations about men’s sexual health and the need to break down societal stigmas. Bold Care, the brand behind the campaign, hopes to encourage men to seek help for their sexual health concerns without fear or embarrassment.

Ranveer Singh, who is also a co-founder of Bold Care, expressed his commitment to the cause, stating, “The Bold Care campaign is more than talk; it’s a mission that I am deeply connected to. I am here to bring a change in how we address men’s sexual health, aiming for tangible solutions and millions of lives impacted all across the country.”

While the ad may be unconventional, its message is clear: when it comes to sexual health, it’s time to break the silence and embrace open dialogue, even if it means sharing the screen with astronaut, surgeon, and school teacher Johnny Sins.