Renowned Journalist Ashfaq Satti Faces Serious Allegations of Domestic Abuse

In a shocking turn of events, acclaimed journalist Ashfaq Satti finds himself at the center of controversy as his wife has come forward with serious accusations of domestic abuse. The accuser Nomaika Ashfaq Satti, has taken to social media, sharing distressing images of bruises and alleging physical violence.

The accuser has posted proof of filing a First Information Report (FIR) along with pictures, pleading for help and support.

Ashfaq Satti’s wife has bravely stepped forward to shed light on the alleged abuse she has endured. Through a series of tweets, she has provided a harrowing account of her experiences, accompanied by graphic images of physical injuries. The accuser claims that the abuse has been ongoing and has taken a toll on her mental and emotional well-being.


In a desperate plea for help, the accuser has utilized her Twitter account to bring attention to the alleged abuse. This public disclosure aims to garner support from the online community and draw attention to the severity of the situation.

As the news of these allegations circulates, the public response has been varied. Many have expressed shock and dismay at the accusations against a well-known figure in the journalism community.

As of now, Ashfaq Satti has not made a public statement addressing the allegations. The silence from the accused has fueled further speculation, leaving the public eager for an official response.

The accuser’s courage in sharing her story and seeking justice through legal channels highlights the importance of addressing such issues in a transparent and accountable manner. As the situation develops, the public awaits further information and hopes for a fair and just resolution.