Saboor Aly Shares Some Words for People Suffering From Depression

Some words of wisdom and empathy.

saboor aly

There are times when you want to change everything for good. But going back in time to alter our decisions is beyond our control.

Therefore we often get stuck in time. Feelings of helplessness and depression come in to fill that void. And frankly speaking, we have all been there.

Actress Saboor Aly shared some of the positive facts about people diagnosed with depression and it is the best thing you’ll read on the internet today.

Sharing her recently finished painting, she wrote,

“People Diagnosed with Depression:

  • Are usually smarter than the average person.
  • Have a better perspective of the world.
  • See situations more realistically.
  • High levels of empathy and able to understand others’ pain and joy easier.
  • Understand things on a deeper level.
  • Doubly strong levels of intuition accuracy. “


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Saboor Aly said that we should not look at it as a flaw, but rather embrace it for being different than others. This realization is very important. Don’t count depression in your weaknesses, but make it a strength

“Sometimes our worst traits, in reality could be our best. Maybe it’s not demon, maybe it’s like a superpower. Depression is not a sign of weakness. It means you have been strong for far too long.”


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