These Pakistani Celebrities Share Their No Makeup Selfies and Wow!

Thanks for keeping it real!

Not every day spent by our beloved celebrities is all about looking flashy and glamorous.  They too are as simple and normal like the rest of us. The only thing that separates them from us is the camera.

From time to time, several Pakistani celebrities have taken to social media sharing their makeup-less routine selfies to drive home the point that makeup is just an accessory, not a necessity.

As for their fans, they appreciate how candid and forthcoming their favorite celebrities can be. This is because pictures like these reinforce themes like having self-confidence, self-love, acceptance, to mention a few. It is also a gentle reminder to all that society should reconsider the unrealistic standards of beauty being imposed on women.

All About No Makeup Selfies

Following is a compilation of some of the most gorgeous and empowering selfies posted by Pakistani celebs:


We like how real these larger than life stars look in these pictures. It also helps drive home the point that beauty is not just about being all glammed up all the time.