This Place Will Make Your Favorite Food Immortal

When your love of food goes too far

Some of tend to eat to live, while others are content with living to eat. But what if there was a whole new different way of celebrating our love for food?

As it turns out, an artist from Brooklyn, Steph Mantis, has come up with a zany idea to turn our food immortal. She has founded Forever Pizza, a place where you can get a slice of pizza permanently encased in a see-through acrylic brick.

This seems like something out of a sci-fi flick / Image Source: Forever Pizza

So if you want that one slice of Chicken Fajita slice that you got from 14th Street Pizza to retain its texture, appearance and shape for God knows how many years, this seems like the perfect place for you.

How Does It Work

Steph got the idea for her venture after she once encased pizza slices in recin for an art show years ago. She never thought it could become something commercial, and yet here we are.

. “I never thought I’d end up making it again, in any capacity.”

She enlisted her father, who manages the Mantis family’s pizzeria, to make personal-sized, Greek-style pizzas for this venture.

And mind you, since its covered with recin, which is a highly toxic plastic, never ever taking a bite out of it.

The packaging looks on point. / Image Source: Forever Pizza

Are These Pizzas Immortal?

Steph says that a prototype she made for the Forever Pizza has not gone bad even after the passage of 2 long years. This is because the design she used couldn’t let the slice interact with its transparent tomb in any way.

“When you embed organic matter in a plastic, it often reacts in unpredictable ways.”

Immortality is Going to Cost You

The prospect of living forever may or may not be enticing for you. However, living forever tends to be costly and that also seems the case for this eternally preserved pizza slice.

Steph is currently selling a slice of pepperoni pizza in carbonite-like encasing for $200 apiece. That’s a steep Rs 26,700 in today’s rates. So you can either opt to go for this one slice that you can display in your lair, or you can throw a pizza party for your whole locality. The choice is yours.

Perhaps an entrepreneurial Pakistani artist or business person can take ‘inspiration’ from this, and do for biryani what Steph has done for pizzas? Wishful thinking but you never know.