
Former England Pacer is Excited to Work With Haris Rauf at Yorkshire

Former England pacer and current director of cricket at Yorkshire, Darren Gough is excited to work with Pakistani pacer, Haris Rauf in the upcoming County Championship season.

Gough stated that Haris is one of the premier pacers in world cricket currently and the entire county was keen to get him on board for the upcoming season.

“I’m so excited about Haris Rauf, I really am. Haris is someone who really excites me. So I was keen to get that signing done,” Gough said.

The 51-year old further added that their decision to sign Haris has nothing to do with Yorkshire’s partnership with Lahore Qalandars as they would have looked to sign him even if the two teams did not sign the deal. According to the partnership between the two cricket clubs, the players from both sides will be offered a player exchange program of sorts where they will be allowed to play or train in the facilities of both clubs.

Former English pacer further revealed that Yorkshire had initially signed Haris for the County Championship but once they found out that he is available for a longer period of time they quickly pounced on the chance to offer him a contract for the first five games of the T20 competition as well.

Haris alongside Pakistan’s limited-overs vice-captain Shadab Khan have been signed by Yorkshire this season. While Haris will play the two formats, Shadab will only be available for the T20 competition.

Published by
Saad Nasir