
Punjab Govt to Regulate Private Schools With New Law

The Punjab government is considering introducing a law to regulate private schools. In this regard, the School Education Department (SED) has already forwarded a summary to the provincial cabinet.

After receiving approval, a draft bill based on the summary will be introduced in the Punjab Assembly. If approved, Punjab Private Educational Institutions Authority will be established.

The authority will be responsible for looking after the matters of private educational institutes, including regulating the fees and payment structure to facilitate the parents and students.

Speaking with a news outlet, Punjab’s Education Minister, Dr. Murad Raas, said that private schools have turned into a mafia in recent years. Regulating them is the need of the hour. Otherwise, they will get out of control.

The Minister lamented that the Private Schools Act had never been amended since 1984 by previous governments to introduce legislation in the best interests of the public.

He added that some private school owners tried to bribe him to withdraw the summary submitted to the provincial cabinet. However, he rejected all approaches and decided to proceed with the summary.

Via: The Nation

Published by
Haroon Hayder