Tech and Telecom

Titanic Tour Submarine Gone Missing Was Steered Using a Logitech $30 Game Controller

On Sunday, reports surfaced regarding a tourist submarine operated by OceanGate Expeditions, which went missing while en route to the Titanic wreckage with five individuals on board.

Subsequent revelations shed light on the sub’s unconventional design, which failed to meet regulatory standards. Notably, the steering mechanism appeared to rely on a Logitech F710 wireless PC game controller from 2010, valued at $30.

As a result, Logitech’s present value of future cash flows declined by a staggering $1 billion in a single day, right after the news broke.

Using game controllers for massive machines is nothing new. The US Navy employs gamepads to operate submarine periscopes and the photonic masts that have replaced them. Additionally, The Boring Company has demonstrated using an Xbox One controller to steer its enormous drilling machines.

Gamepads offer versatility, comfort, and a sense of familiarity in their usage. However, controllers also malfunction during intense gaming sessions at times, which puts a giant and concerning question mark on the reliance on a relatively generic wireless device for such a crucial task. The Titan is no large drill or a periscope, it is a vessel deep inside the sea with actual people inside.

Not to mention, a single seat on the Titan costs $250,000.

The Titan has encountered navigation issues in the past as well. Last summer, the submarine experienced a temporary loss of direction for a few hours but maintained contact with the surface. In the current situation, all communication with the sub has ceased, and the exact reason behind the submarine’s disappearance remains unknown.

Using a $30 PC game controller for crucial operations does not instill confidence in the construction of the Titan. However, at present, the focus lies on locating the submarine and its crew. Following that, an investigation is expected to be conducted to determine the cause of the incident.

Published by
Aasil Ahmed