
Latest Update on Colombo Weather Ahead of Crucial Asia Cup 2023 Matches

The weather in Colombo has spoiled the excitement of the Asia Cup, with persistent downpours and overcast conditions threatening to disrupt the upcoming matches.

As of Thursday morning, the Sri Lankan capital has been gripped by intermittent rain, casting uncertainty over the fate of the ongoing Super Fours stage of the event.

With the sky blanketed in thick clouds and forecasts predicting continuous rain throughout the day, the future of the upcoming matches hangs in the balance.

According to media reports, deteriorating weather in the city has disrupted the preparations and practice sessions of the teams ahead of the crucial encounters.

The details further show that India, which is already there for the match, finds it challenging to adjust their training schedules amidst the unpredictable showers.

In this regard, an emergency meeting has been scheduled for this evening, where top representatives will discuss possible contingencies and remedial measures.

Pakistan cricket team has also landed in Colombo today, but practice session plans are unclear due to the prevailing conditions.

Published by
Imad Ali Jan