
Bazball Officially Included in Collins English Dictionary

Collins English Dictionary has officially defined Bazball as a noun which refers to an aggressive style of batting in the game of cricket.

Bazball, as defined by the prestigious dictionary, refers to “a style of test cricket in which the batting side attempts to gain the initiative by playing in a highly aggressive manner.” This recognition by Collins English Dictionary highlights the lasting impact of McCullum’s approach to the game and signifies a new era of test cricket characterized by an aggressive and proactive batting style.

The term was coined after Brendon McCullum’s pivotal role as a coach for the England cricket team, where he transformed their traditional approach to batting. McCullum’s innovative tactics, inspired by his own fearless and aggressive style, breathed new life into the world of Test cricket. This change in approach not only garnered attention but also elevated the excitement and entertainment levels for cricket fans around the globe.

Test cricket, often known for its slower pace and defensive strategies, has witnessed a refreshing change with the advent of Bazball. Batsmen are now encouraged to seize the initiative and take calculated risks, making the game more engaging and dynamic.

The addition of ‘Bazball’ to the Collins English Dictionary recognizes the enduring impact of Brendon McCullum’s influence on the sport and the profound transformation it has undergone. This recognition not only solidifies McCullum’s legacy in the world of cricket but also celebrates the evolution of the game itself.

Published by
Ayna Dua