
You Will Die 7 Years Earlier if You Live in Lahore for a Year: American Research

The University of Chicago has sounded alarm bells for the residents of Lahore with its latest research regarding the concerning level of smog in the city.

Despite the government’s efforts, the provincial capital continues to be ranked as the most polluted city in the world. Now, according to research published by the American university, the average annual age of Lahore’s residents is on a decreasing trend.

The study indicates that the life expectancy of the city’s residents is decreasing by 7 years each year. The report also highlights the adverse effects of smog on children, stating that being exposed to the current level of pollution is equivalent to smoking 30 cigarettes daily.

It is worth mentioning that the air quality index has surpassed 500 in Lahore, which is way above the normal level of 200. The Environment Department states that index levels between 200 and 300 could cause irritation in the eyes.

It becomes extremely hazardous when the AQI levels touch 400 to 500. The government has been urged to take strict measures to reduce air pollution in the city.

In a bid to control smog, the Lahore High Court recently banned the issuance of No Objection Certificates (NOC) for development projects until January.

Furthermore, local administration has also taken strict action against smoke-emitting vehicles. During the last two weeks, the Lahore traffic police impounded 40,519 vehicles in different police stations.

Published by
Arsalan Khattak