
Here’s Why Lahore Qalandars Have Retained Rashid Khan in Silver Category

Lahore Qalandars have retained Rashid Khan in Silver category instead of the Platinum category as the Afghan spinner is likely to miss the entire PSL 9 due to his injury.

Lahore Qalandars have surprisingly retained Afghanistan’s star spinner, Rashid Khan, in the Silver category for the upcoming Pakistan Super League (PSL) season 9. The decision has triggered a debate among fans on social media, as the renowned leg-spinner sees a significant downgrade from the Platinum to Silver category.

The unexpected demotion has left fans shocked, with some expressing disappointment over the sudden change in Rashid Khan’s retention status. However, insiders reveal that the key factor behind this strategic move is Rashid Khan’s recent serious injury, which could potentially sideline him for the entire PSL 9 season.

Lahore Qalandars’ decision to retain Rashid Khan in the Silver category is believed to be a tactical move aimed at safeguarding their prized asset. By temporarily placing him in a lower category, the franchise aims to deter other teams from acquiring the ace spinner in the upcoming draft.

In a parallel development, Lahore Qalandars have raised eyebrows by releasing their star batter, Fakhar Zaman. The franchise’s unexpected move has sparked speculation about whether they will reclaim Fakhar in the draft or if the talented batter will don the colors of another franchise for the first time in his PSL career. As the anticipation builds, PSL enthusiasts eagerly await the unfolding drama of the upcoming draft and the team dynamics for the highly anticipated season.

Published by
Ayna Dua