
How to Manage Your Time in Ramadan

A useful guide to help you plan effectively

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, is just around the corner. It is an extremely blessed month where Muslims across the globe fast for 29 or 30 days, depending on the sighting of the Shawwal moon. Muslims practice sawm, meaning self-restraint, in this auspicious month. In broader terms, sawm means refraining from food, drink, sexual activity, and all forms of immoral behavior, including lies and unkind thoughts between dawn and dusk.

Since we can never be sure whether we’ll be alive next year to gather the blessings of this month, we must strive hard to make the most of each blessed day during this Holy month. Every Muslim must prioritize prayers, recitation of the Holy Quran with translation, and understanding of the Ahadees-e-Mubarak to incorporate them naturally into our routine. We must also take rest so that we can retain energy and not fall ill or weak. Family, relatives, friends, and work must also not be neglected.

Before going to sleep every night, we must plan out the next day completely, including a healthy breakfast for Sehri. Iron and set your clothes for the next day before sleeping, keep some fruit in your children’s lunchboxes at night too. You can put your smart gadgets like phones and laptops on charge and sleep. Don’t forget to set the alarms for Suhoor.

Organize your days in such a way that you don’t stress yourselves out during the first half. Schedule tasks that require more focus and energy after 2 pm. Start your Iftar preparations around 5 pm. Grab a nap in between, if possible so that you’re fresh and energetic for the Taraweeh Prayers. Effective time management in Ramadan is simply rearranging your priorities so that you can devote time to Almighty Allah.

Keep your weekends for enjoying Iftar/Suhoor with friends and weekdays with family. Don’t waste time watching TV/movies/series or playing games. Avail every free second you have for Ibadah (worship), including Quran recitation, doing Zikr, learning Ahadith, listening to Islamic lectures from renowned scholars, and making Duas for the Muslim Ummah.

Useful Time Management Tips for Ramadan

  1. Set Achievable Goals: Setting Ibadah as your numero uno priority, set easy goals for yourself so that you feel accomplished at the end of every day. For example, your goal can be, “I’ll explain the importance of Namaz and Taraweeh to my children from 4 pm to 5 pm every Saturday of Ramadan.”
  2. Time After Suhoor: Instead of sleeping again, you can use this time for making Dua and/or recitation of the Holy Quran with Tajweed.
  3. Avoid Multitasking: Since multitasking consumes a lot of strength, avoid it as much as you can during Ramadan to save your energy for all your basic priorities.
  4. Avoid Socializing: Since Ramadan is the month of Itikaf, you should take a break from socializing with humans/animals and focus on building your relationship with Allah SWT.
  5. Take Care of Yourself: Keep your body, mind, and soul fresh by eating and drinking healthy. Neither overeat nor eat lesser than usual. Make sure you sleep at least 7 hours every day. Our body is Allah’s Amanat so make sure you take good care of yourself every day.

Nothing is impossible if you actually want to do it. Plan realistically so that you can apply and get fantastic results In Shaa Allah. Don’t allow the Shaitan to misguide you during this divine month. Follow the tips given as far as possible. May Allah SWT increase our guidance and Taqwa, Ameen. Good luck!

Written by Amna Hamid

Effie Award-winning Marketer | SEO Content Writer | Social Media Manager