Maulana Tariq Jameel Clears the Air on Tweet Criticizing the PM

The cleric issued clarification on the viral tweet

Recently there were rumors going around that renown Islamic scholar Maulana Tariq Jameel had reprimanded Prime Minister Imran Khan over the government employees’ clashes.

Apparently a tweet from the Pakistani cleric emerged online, but many failed to recognize that the tweet was by an imposer account.

“I have said that Imran Khan would establish the ‘state of Medina’ but unfortunately, the manner in which his subjected government employees to cruelty today is not a practical image of the state of Medina but tyranny.

I apologize to the 220 million population that I misled the public by giving statements in favor of Imran Khan.”


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“I am very upset with Imran Khan over this, how he subjected government employees to cruelty yesterday. These workers are Pakistani not outsiders,” said another tweet.

The tweet has since been deleted but Maulana Tariq Jameel continued to face backlash over something he didn’t even say.

Now the religious preacher has tweeted his clarification on the issue. In his tweet he debunked the ‘fake news’, and asked people to only refer to verified accounts for authentic news. Is he suggesting we be more responsible about their social media use?

“I have nothing to do with this statement. This is fake news. For authentic news about me, stay connected to verified platforms.”


The scholar even posted a screenshot of a fake profile attributed to him. If the lack of tweets by the fake account wasn’t a dead giveaway that the account is that of an imposter, now Mualana Tariq Jameel has asserted the truth.

“May Allah preserve us from spreading false news.” added the Islamic preacher.


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Coincidentally just days ago the cleric tweeted how lies incite the wrath of God on a nation.

“When lies spread out in a nation, it gets afflicted by Allah’s curse.”