Car Explodes After Man Lights Up Cigarette

Smoking is injurious to health (and cars).


Nobody is a stranger to this oft-repeated lifelong motto that “smoking is dangerous to health”. Smoking is right there among the worst addictions ever. It can destroy your long term health and can affect others around you as well.

Every now and then a few incidents appear on the radar, which serve as a stern reminder about the dangers of smoking. Especially the dangers of smoking in a vehicle.

A smoker from the UK gambled with his life and lived to die another day. Here’s what happened to him.

The individual lit up a cigarette while inside his car. He then proceeded to pray some air freshener from an aerosol can. Doing the two things in conjunction was disastrous. His car’s windscreen blew up and damaged his vehicle.


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Witnesses were shook

Witnesses reported having heard a ‘loud bang.’ Windows of nearby buildings were shattered, with the impact even shaking up certain buildings in the Halifax Town Center.

Policing it up

West Yorkshire police said the driver was stationary in traffic when the “incident” occurred. Police have further notified that the driver sustained only minor injuries and made it out alive.

The Police had to close down Fountain Street, to prevent further damage.

Copyright Ben Lack Photography LtdSmoking can seriously damage your health. A crafty smoke behind the wheel nearly cost a young man his life ??? when an explosion tore his car apart. The smoker had doused the inside of his vehicle with air freshener before lighting up with the windows still closed. As he lay back to enjoy his cigarette, the fumes exploded and blew out the windscreen. Words Mark Branagan.Pic Ben Lack +7970 850611??150 minimum use, irrespective of any previous use. ??50 for internet use, irrespective of any previous use.

The authorities have issued guidelines for citizens, especially those who frequently use air fresheners, to exercise extreme caution.

As aerosol cans are extremely flammable, they should be kept away from fire.


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