Husband Goals: Dulha Goes Viral For Spoon-Feeding His Wife-To-Be [Video]

dulha goes viral all across social media for hand-feeding his wife-to-be during their wedding ceremony. Netizen feel the bar for an “ideal husband” has been set too low nowadays.

A wedding is a special occasion for everyone, especially for the dulhandulha ( the bride and groom). It is a festive occasion. Everyone comes together to celebrate the matrimony of two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together. People want their wedding to be memorable. The best ones are those where the dulha and dulha express their love for one another with their actions.

We all know what happens when the food is served during a wedding. People rush to fill out their plates with food. In the meanwhile, the bride is left to serve herself. It can be very difficult for a young bride to handle her plate of food without staining her expensive wedding dress or ruining her makeup.

Recently, a dulha went viral all over social media for his loving act of gesture for his soon-to-be wife. The dulha spoon-fed his wife-to-be, setting groom goals for everyone to admire. Check it out!

While many people appreciated the groom’s lovely gesture, others felt the bar has been set too low. People felt that the public is making too much of a big deal about a man doing the bare minimum for his wife-to-be. Others felt that society has made these little gestures so awkward and unacceptable that everyone is now ‘surprised’ if someone does something similar.

Here are a few comments people made about this recent viral video.