Renowned actor Imran Abbas, known for his versatility and charm, is currently making waves in the entertainment industry with his upcoming Indian Punjabi film “Jee Ve Sohneya Jee.” In a recent interview with Geo TV, he shed light on his involvement in the film and hinted at his potential role in the highly anticipated “Khuda Aur Mohabbat 4.”
During his conversation with Geo TV, he discussed the unique aspects of the project and shared his enthusiasm for Punjabi cinema. But unfortunately, the film is banned by the Punjab censor board for its anti-Pakistani and religious content.
However, it wasn’t just “Jee Ve Sohneya Jee” that captured the audience’s attention during the interview. Imran Abbas also touched upon the beloved television series “Khuda Aur Mohabbat,” which has garnered a massive following over the years.
When asked about his potential involvement in “Khuda Aur Mohabbat 4,” Imran humbly stated that the decision ultimately lies with the producers. He expressed his admiration for the series and its impact on audiences, emphasizing the significance of well-crafted narratives in television dramas.
Moreover, Imran Abbas praised the rumored new lead for “Khuda Aur Mohabbat 4,” hinting at the possibility of Abdullah Kadwani’s son, Haroon Kadwani, stepping into the spotlight. He commended Haroon’s talent and highlighted the potential he brings to the table, suggesting that he could be a worthy addition to the series.
As Imran Abbas continues to captivate audiences with his performances on both the big screen and television, his insights into projects like “Jee Ve Sohneya Jee” and “Khuda Aur Mohabbat 4” serve as a testament to his enduring influence in the world of entertainment. Whether he graces the silver screen or television screens, one thing remains certain – Imran Abbas’s talent knows no bounds.
Jane Koch