Luxury Brand Elan Gets Blasted Over Its New Fashion Campaign

Do you think this is the correct approach?

Elan Lawn (2016), Elan Lawn (2017)

While the whole world is rallying behind ‘Black Lives Matter‘, fashion brand Elan is trying to cash in on racial tensions. The Pakistani luxury brand Elan regularly uses an African model in its photoshoots, and this action almost always leads to a public outcry on social media.

In photographs for their new campaign, the brand showcased model Mushk Kaleem with a black male model. The model was not there to model clothes like Mushk Kaleem but as a prop.

Many folks feel that the black male model was really just there for the eye candy, as an exotic backdrop. This is not OK, they say.


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The actual garment Mushk Kaleem was modeling was inspired by Central Asian tapestries. The picture caught the attention of netizens and they immediately called out Elan’s racist approach. However, Elan denies that was their intention in any way.

Exoticizing any race, reduces them to an object rather than a human, much like objectification.

“Why would you fetishize race in this way?! This is ridiculous, please find some other not to blatantly racist way of promoting your products,”

Black Lives Matter
Luxury brand tries to cash in on ‘Black Lives Matter’


Netizens call out Elan for exoticizing black people


Others pointed out how insensitive it is to try and cash in on the momentum of the ‘Black Lives Matter‘ movement. Racial tensions are not something that should be commodified.


Elan responds to criticism

Elan says that they started their campaign before America’s racial tensions erupted recently.

“Our campaign started in March and was shot in January.”

Elan’s explanation for their behavior


Elan’s very own Khadija Shah believes that making everything about cultural appropriation is dumb.

In Elan’s defense, Khadija Shah stated her campaign just depicts an interracial couple.

She further tries to justify her stance:

Khadija says that no one had any issues when white people were used in a fashion campaign. Maybe that’s because white people haven’t been and aren’t systematically oppressed, and discriminated against? Meanwhile, black people have suffered through hundreds of years of history of slavery and colonialism.


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This brings ups the fact this isn’t the first time Elan has been called out for its problematic approach.

Black Lives Matter
Netizens point out this isn’t the first time Elan has had a problematic approach to race and racism


Here we go again


Black Lives Matter


Do you think Elan is in the wrong here? Or are people blowing it out of proportion like Khadija argues? We’ll let the readers draw their own conclusions.