Naseeruddin Shah’s Bizarre Claim on Sindhi Language Irks Pakistanis

When Celebrity Statements Backfire!

Many individuals have developed smart methods to avoid controversy, hide behind large words, and make the appropriate strategic moves in an age when people are more held accountable for their public remarks. However, some others, like Indian star Naseeruddin Shah, appear to have missed the alert.

In a promotional interview with Tried & Refused Productions for his latest TV series Taj, he bluntly claimed,

Sindhi is, of course, no longer spoken in Pakistan.

Watch the video,

Twitter did not take kindly to his assumption, prompting a heap of backlash in viral retweets of the footage. Ironically, Shah’s statement was made as a side note while listing various regional languages and discussing widespread ignorance towards Urdu.

Many users were outraged at his ignorance towards Sindhi, including the original user who shared the snippet online.

Take a look,

Several users also urged the actor to come to Sindh, calling attention to how many large, sweeping stereotypes we hear about Sindh coming from people who have never visited.

Other users, such as independent Sindhi journalist Veengas, made it a point to remind us of the facts. She highlighted how Shah and several others have harmfully overlooked the presence of Sindhi in local media and literature, not unlike the way we often treat regional languages ourselves.

Twitter is, of course, not Twitter without its mocking retweets. Many users took this opportunity to ridicule Shah for falling short in his attempts at intellectual conversation, with Indian author Rahul Pandita even suggesting that he should withdraw from public life.

One user hilariously tweeted from the burial mounds of Mohenjo Daro, adding that the only languages we speak now are Chinese and Urd-lish.

Whether learned from famous celebrities or at dinner table discussions, we must begin to revisit what we know about our local cultures — and where that knowledge came from. You might find wilder assumptions than Shah’s closer to home!

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