The gorgeous model and new mommy, Neha Taseer took our breaths away with her latest reel. In the video, she is seen flaunting her flawless beauty in dazzling sleeveless attire by the fashion brand Laj by Lajwanti. She looked super stunning in this pastel-colored chiffon outfit with delicate embroidery.
Take a look!
Neha trusted her makeup artist Maryam for this utterly gorgeous look. She enhanced her beauty twofold with a soft makeover with rosy pink lips and a sleek half-liner. Her center-parted half-tied hair with loose fringes and statement earrings are making her look even prettier.
Neha is a Pakistani model and actress who tied the knot with Shahbaz Taseer in a luxurious Nikkah in September 2021. The proud parents have named their son Shavez Ali Taseer.
Since the duo got married, Neha hasn’t been active on any of her social media handles. The couple is keeping their life private and away from the limelight.
Although we don’t see many of Neha’s pictures on social media, whenever she shares something it becomes viral and fans shower immense love on it.
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