Rest in Pink: Funeral Home Offers ‘Barbie’ Inspired Coffins

“Now you can rest like a real Barbie”

A funeral home in El Salvador has taken funeral planning to a whole new level by offering hot pink Barbie-themed coffins.

Seems like the afterlife has taken a stylish turn, as funeral homes join the chorus of Barbie mania, ensuring that even in death, one can rest in a truly eye-catching style.

The trend, apparently inspired by the release of the much-anticipated Greta Gerwig-directed film featuring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, has raised a few eye-brows online.

Isaac Villegas, the ‘imaginative’ owner of Alpha and Omega Funeral Home, revealed that he had dabbled with the concept of pink coffins before the ‘Barbie’ frenzy hit the scene. But the sweeping popularity of the movie across Latin America prompted him to embrace the trend with open arms, or rather, open coffins.

The result? Hot pink metal coffins decked out with white linings, gold embellishments, and yes, posters of the iconic doll herself.

“We have to jump on this trend,” exclaimed Villegas with a chuckle. And what a leap it has been, with the funeral home’s promotional campaign for the bubblegum-pink coffins making waves.

Apparently, the concept isn’t just a delightful spectacle; it’s also a booming business. Out of the themed coffins, 10 have already been snatched up by intrigued customers. While the funeral home still offers the more traditional muted-colored coffins, Villegas is enthusiastically riding the ‘Barbie’ wave.

He’s even hinting at expanding the lineup to include more vibrant pink coffins, citing the high demand from curious clients.

We are going to have more pink coffins, because people are asking for it

Interestingly, Alpha and Omega Funeral Home isn’t the only establishment to have caught the ‘Barbie’ bug. Funeraria Olivares, a funeral home based in Ecuador, recently went viral on TikTok for promoting their own version of a blush-pink “Barbie” coffin.

Their TikTok clip showcasing the coffin with the tagline “So you can rest like a real Barbie” has garnered over 1.6 million views.