Shahveer Jafry Under Fire For Classist Rule At Wedding Venue

Shahveer Jafry

As Shahveer Jafry’s wedding pics hit the Internet, the response was not what was expected. Rather than swoon over the pictures, Netizens couldn’t help but notice a classist remark. What did Shahveer Jafry have to say?

Canadian-Pakistani YouTube star Shahveer Jafry recently got married to designer Ayesha Baig. Amid the wedding festivities, of course, photographs from the event landed online. One of the photographs displayed a sign outside the wedding venue that stated that guards and drivers are not permitted inside the hall.

The couple posed for a selfie at their valima and overlooked the glaring sign in the background. Hence, unintentionally sharing info had Netizens slamming both Shahveer Jafry and Ayesha Baig.

Netizens were outraged by the classism of this situation and took to social media to vent their rage.


Netizens questioned why the social media influencer didn’t think of using that influence for good.


Netizens are even demanding an apology.

The YouTuber later tried to clear the air on Instagram by sharing how he had just booked the wedding venue and had nothing to do with their regulations.

“I rented out Garrison Gold Club for my Walima. I had absolutely nothing to do with this sign and do not support this message. I think it’s disgusting. In fact, my Guard and my house workers were invited to the event. Also, I never notice the sign. Had it come to my attention I would’ve had it removed.”

Shahveer Jafry
Shahveer Jafry tries to clear the air over the classist sign.

What do you think of this situation and the YouTuber’s apology? Meanwhile, how do you feel about the rule at the wedding venue? Let us know in the comments below.