Wife Beats Husband for Not Bringing Imran Khan’s Resignation



So the Azadi March fuzzled out (pun intended), and Prime Minister Imran Khan seems chill with how that whole business wrapped up. PM Khan may have another reason to smile if this news is to be believed.

As with every other ruling party, you have your supporters on one side and your detractors on the other. And then you have funny little moments like this where both the critics and well-wishers share a laugh.

Where is Imran Khan’s resignation?

Apparently an unlucky husband had to face the wrath of his wife (we all know that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned), all because she wanted her man to make the’ most powerful man’ in Pakistan hang his shalwar kameez out the PM House.

Well things clearly did not happen the way his wife wanted. What did happen is that this guy got the thrashing of his life by wifey dearest.

Our sympathies with the guy, he did try and do what he could but fate (and aliens) had other plans. Imran Khan survives for now.

  • Imran Khan – 1
  • Unlucky husband – 0


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