PMD Forecasts Heavy Rainfall Across Pakistan in Next 24 Hours

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has warned about the possibility of heavy rainfall in the next 24 hours across various parts of the country.

It includes Islamabad, Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), and other parts. Over the coming day, most parts of the country are likely to experience strong winds, thunderstorms, and heavy rain.

Northeastern Balochistan, Punjab, Islamabad, K-P, AJK, and Gilgit-Baltistan may see gusty winds, thunderstorms, and localized heavy rainfall. Meanwhile, other regions will remain predominantly hot and dry.

Recent pre-monsoon rain in Rawalpindi and surrounding areas has raised concerns about potential monsoon floods in Nullah Leh and other drainage systems. The rain that occurred on the night of June 17 has alerted authorities, signaling the start of the flood season from June 15 to August 15.

Recent heavy rainfall has caused significant rises in water levels at Rawal, Simli, and Khanpur dams, crucial water sources for Rawalpindi and Islamabad. This increase has eased concerns about water shortages expected this summer.

However, preparations for the monsoon season faced delays in cleaning and desilting Nullah Leh, an 18-kilometer waterway, and other major rain drains. Work on these essential tasks paused during the Eid ul Adha holidays, hampering readiness for managing heavy rains and potential flooding.

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