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How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism

How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability which affects the way people communicate, interact or behave with other people. Experts do not know yet what causes this neurodevelopmental disorder. However, most of the scientists believe that it is caused by genetic or environmental factors. Some children may have mild and some may have very severe ASD symptoms. This article is all about how to identify a kid who is suffering from autism. Read!

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How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism

Children that suffer from autism, start showing signs as young as a few months old. However, some children have normal development for a few months or years and then they start showing symptoms. Most parents notice issues by the time their child reaches 2 years old. Children with autism will have symptoms throughout their lives but they start getting better as they get older.

Now the question is how to identify a kid who is suffering from autism. There are different symptoms of autism that are quite noticeable and help in identifying a child with autism. What are those symptoms? For that, read the entire article and find out.

Communication | How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism

Every child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has different communication skills. Some can speak well and others can speak a little or can’t speak at all. According to CDC (Centres for disease control and prevention), around 40% of children with autism do not talk at all and about 25 to 30% of children with autism speak some words at 12 to 18 months of age and then lose them.

Some communication-related symptoms of ASD are:

  • Delayed speech and language skills
  • Talking in flat, robotic or sing-song like voice
  • Repeating the same phrase over and over (Echolalia)
  • Have problems with pronouns (e.g. saying “you” instead of “I,”)
  • Do not use common gestures like pointing or waving and also do not respond to them
  • Lack of ability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions
  • Does not recognize sarcasm or jokes

How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism

Social Skills

Social issues are one of the most common symptoms of autism. Children with ASD do not have social problems like shyness. However, they do have quite a hard time interacting with others. A child with ASD might want a close relationship with someone but does not know how to have one.

If a child has autism, he/she will show signs when he/she is 10 to 12 months old.

Some common symptoms may include:

  • The child does not respond to his/her name when he/she is 12 to 18 months old.
  • Not interested in playing, sharing, or talking with others
  • Prefers to be alone
  • Doesn’t seem to hear when others talk to him or her
  • Avoids physical contact
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Doesn’t like to be comforted by others during distress
  • Doesn’t understand emotions (own or others)
  • Has flat or inappropriate facial expressions

How to Identify a Kid Who Is Suffering From Autism


Most children with autism also act in ways which aren’t typical. Their behaviour may seem unusual and their interests aren’t exactly typical.

The common symptoms include:

  • Repetitive behaviours like hand-flapping, jumping or twirling
  • Hyper behaviour
  • Lining up toys
  • Getting upset when the routine is changed slightly
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch, light, and sound
  • Fussy eating habits
  • Has obsessive interests
  • Lack of coordination, clumsiness
  • Impulsiveness
  • Aggressive behaviour (both with self and others)
  • Short attention span
  • Temper Tantrums

Developmental Red Flags

Children develop at their own pace but there are some specific developmental milestones which are used to measure child’s social or emotional progress in the first few years of his/her life.

The following developmental red flags require immediate evaluation by your child’s paediatrician:

  • No big smiles or joyful expressions (By 6 months)
  • No back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions (By 9 months)
  • Lack of response to name (By 12 months)
  • No babbling (By 12 months)
  • No back-and-forth gestures, such as pointing, showing, reaching, or waving (By 12 months)
  • No spoken words (By 16 months)
  • No meaningful two-word phrases which don’t involve mimicking or repeating (By 24 months)

These are some of the common symptoms related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If parents see any kind of aforementioned signs or symptoms in a child, then they should make an appointment with paediatrician right away. Identifying these symptoms early is crucial in the timely treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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Written by Umer Zahid