
How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

As the number of cases of the coronavirus keeps on increasing, there stands one undeniable fact: the highest number of fatalities are among the older people. According to researchers, people who are 60 or above are vulnerable to the novel coronavirus especially those with underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc. This article is all about how to try to keep your elderly safe from Covid-19. Read on!

How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

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Before we begin, we should point out that older people, if infected will, more likely to develop severe life-threatening symptoms, even if they don’t have any pre-existing medical conditions. According to medical experts, it is due to the weakening immune system with age. So, in this article, we will tell you about some extra precautionary measures you can take in order to keep your elderly family members safe from Covid-19.

How to Try to Keep Your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

Before telling you about the precautionary measures, we should tell you about why older people are highly vulnerable to develop Covid-19.

High-Risk Factors

Following are some of the high-risk factors in older people.

  • Low immunity
  • Pre-existing medical conditions like heart, cancer and lung disease
  • Improper intake of nutritious and balanced diet

How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

Precautionary Measures | How to Keep Elderly Safe from Covid-19

Following are some of the precautionary measures you can take to try to keep your elderly safe from Covid-19.

  • The first thing you can do is to do limit in-person visits from relatives, neighbours, and friends etc. to lower the risk of your older family members catching the virus. Older people cherish the times they spend with friends and other family members. You should ask your relatives and friends to not visit your home for your elderly family member’s safety.

  • Give them their prescribed medicine on time and postpone unnecessary doctor visits. If your elders are feeling well and don’t have chronic illness, then postponing the appointment is a wise decision. You can use different telemedicine apps to get in touch with the doctor.

How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

Note: People with coronavirus symptoms can use Telehealth to consult with doctors. They will prescribe medicine according to your symptoms.

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  • Ask your elders to get at least 8 hours of sleep daily and tell them to follow this sleep routine regularly. Our mind and body are interconnected. So, taking care of their physical and mental health is important during this pandemic.
  • Spend your time with them, don’t let them feel that they are alone during this pandemic. Walk with them in your lawn or discuss anything other than this pandemic. Recall all the happy moments and look at old photos with them.
  • Limit their consumption of news regarding this pandemic. There is a lot of fake news circulating on the internet and TV and they believe everything they hear, read or see. So, limit their news consumptions and tell them about coronavirus updates from trusted sources only.

How to Try to Keep your Elderly Safe from Covid-19

  • Ask them to take care of their hygiene by washing hands frequently and taking bath after 1 or 2 days.
  • As the government has banned the people who are 50 or above to go to mosques, it is better to ask them to pray at home.

  • Don’t let them go out in crowded places like markets.
  • Lastly, take good care of their diet. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. Don’t let them drink sugary beverages.

This is all about how to try to keep your elderly safe from Covid-19. Tell us in the comments what you think about this article and share any tips you have related to the topic in the comments section.

Written by Umer Zahid