To play the game of any living society is a tricky game. You try to adapt to what’s expected of you, but the end result sometimes backfires – and not in a good way at that. Here’s how to present yourself.
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- Set a positive first impression
- Prepare yourself for societal technicalities
- If you feel nervous, prepare a script for any social gatherings
- The outlook matters a lot – what’s the first thing another person notices about you?
- Smile
- Don’t rush – walk your talk
- Blend in by adapting to respective social gatherings
- Respect yourself
It normally takes a fraction of a second to form a judgement about someone we’ve met for the first time. This is known as forming a first impression. The first impression that a person gives to others is a pivotal factor in how that person is treated in everyday life. If you make a good first impression in the eyes of someone important, everything tends to go well!
If you make a negative one, it goes downhill from there. Unfortunately, it gets pretty difficult to win someone back after making a bad first impression. On the other side, you don’t easily turn someone off after making a good first impression. Already feeling the pressure, eh?
Let’s quickly go over the thought-process a typical person undergoes. Hey, am I making a good impression? What if I say something wrong? Can they tell I’m being nervous? Does my wife even like me? Is that a baby?
Man. Such thoughts often run through our heads when we get involved in social situations that require self-introduction. Apparently, all of this is important. So, pay attention!
First Impressions Last | How To Present Yourself
This article will provide you with some of the best tips on self-improvement. Set yourself up to make a good impression on your new acquaintances and potential business connections. Although first impressions aren’t a guaranteed ticket to a business partnership, or for people to like you, it is still VERY important because it has a great impact on our daily lives.
Every moment of your life is a living advertisement of the dynamic brand that is YOU. Unfortunately, not all of our advertisements are conscious, or even complimentary. In most of the cases, the human brain is largely unaware of the statement we make in the way we present ourselves to others. It’s no wonder that people receive mixed signals from us and, quite naturally, they ‘reciprocate’.
Your personal brand can be a strong inspirational force for others. When done wrong, it discourages others outright. Your brand is so powerful that not only does it impact others, but the message you convey through your ‘it’ also impacts how you perceive yourself!
Break The Ice
In the past, how often has your self-image been influenced by what others think of you? Quite often, I’d reckon. What we typically forget is that we alone are responsible for both ends.
So, the only solution is to present yourself – consciously though – in the best possible light, at ALL times. Do you know how it feels to be visually appealing? The first thing that grabs your attention in a person, is the way he or she looks. So, begin your tryst to present yourself positively by being an object of admiration.
Notice how I wrote ‘be’ visually appealing, and not ‘become’ visually appealing. This means that you don’t have to become anything other than what you already are to better present yourself. Luckily, this is good, good news!
A Few Hints
Heighten what already exists:
- Be unapologetic about your looks (no matter how you look). You don’t have to grow taller or thinner or fairer or prettier or more muscular to be visually appealing.
- Smile easily, at yourself and others. It instantly rockets your visual appeal.
- Wear your clothes, hair and apparel with confidence. They don’t have to be driven by the fashion police, but they can certainly be clean, and fit well.
- Walk with your shoulders straight so you not only look taller, you are taller (in self-esteem).
Do not allow the society to dictate your visual appeal. Resolve your inner feelings and accept yourself. Reflect this acceptance in your brand of personality so that the society can celebrate it! Here’s a thought: If our eyes are our most influential sense organ, our ears are a close second. Pay good attention to what you hear.
Take a moment to consider the strong speakers you admire: grand orators, actors, artists, leaders, etc. – people who mesmerize others with their words. It’s not just what they speak, but how they speak it that impresses others. They radiate a superlative confidence that compels people to follow them.
The Benefits Of A Good First Impression | How To Present Yourself
So, what are the benefits? What would you get out of putting effort to come across a certain way to people you don’t know?
People find it easy to relate to you.
People have to be able to relate to you in order to want to develop a relationship with you of any kind. It is easiest to be around others who you feel understand you, and whom understand.
We are social creatures by nature, from birth to death. Relationships play a critical function in our lives, from the vital bonding and attachment period that new-borns hold with their mothers, to the need for the elderly to feel connected to other people in their social standings. The positive first impressions that people form about you make you personable, and allow people to feel a bond with you.
You are able to build significant partnerships.
If you make a good first impression, the people you meet will be more likely to deem you trustworthy. They will usually be more willing to form relationships and business partnerships with you. Alternatively, if you make a bad first impression, people will be quick to write you off, and you will not have that strong foundation on which a relationship needs to build. **Take Notice! **
It is important to be genuine the first time you meet someone so you show the best version of yourself. You don’t want to be phony or over-the-top, because once the relationship begins to thrive, your new acquaintance will be able to tell that you were not being genuine.
Your self-confidence is boosted.
It just so happens that some of the critical factors in making a good impression are also critical in having self-confidence. This is where your posture, eye contact, bright smile, and proper speech come into play. Even the smallest change, such as straightening your posture and lifting your head up, can give other people—and you—the impression that you are a confident person.
Smiling will make you feel confident as well, and it will make other people around you feel more comfortable. Think about someone who is smiling and has good posture, and you’ll be picturing someone with self-confidence. With each successful interaction you have with others using this trick, you will sharpen your networking and people skills.
Self-confidence is the necessary skill for success, not only in sports but also in life. Here we have some tips on how to develop self-confidence.
Look at these things to keep in mind, when you are meeting someone for the first time and you need to introduce yourself.
Dress for the occasion.
The biggest factor that affects others’ first impressions of us is our physical appearance. It might sound tacky to judge others by how they look, but a visual impression is the first thing you will have access to.
Evaluating other people’s appearances is a survival trait that we inherited from our ancestors, who only had a split second to judge whether the creature they were encountering posed danger to them or not. In other words, it is a natural instinct to do this.
Take the extra steps to style your hair, give yourself a clean shave, and dress appropriately. Make sure your clothes fit you properly, that the cotton is not pilling, and that your shoes are not worn down. Doing so will allow you to feel better about yourself, and other people will be more likely to view you as a successful and confident person. One tip to keep in mind after purchasing a new outfit is to practice wearing it at home before you wear it around other people, so you can handle any potential wardrobe malfunctions before going out.
Showing others that you are able to put yourself together, demonstrates to them that you have the competence to get the basics done well. At a minimum, it communicates to people that you care and are committed. Seriously.
Define & Refine a substantial introduction.
Rather than just saying your name during the initial introductions, try saying, “Great to meet you, (person’s name).” This reinforces the recall of your new acquaintance’s name and is a good way to break the tension. It also puts the focus back on them, and people love to feel like they have earned the honor of being the center of your attention.
After you have created this connection with the other person, it is important to not let the conversation come to a screeching halt. Notice something about them—their clothes, something they’re holding, or if you have an indication of what the person does—and comment on it. Ask a question that keeps the focus on the other person and makes you seem interested in what they have to say. It helps make the other person feel like getting an appropriate amount of attention.
Demand Attention – Don’t Confuse Confidence With Perfection
Don’t let society dictate your visual appeal – it’s unhealthy and mentally draining. If you accept your looks and are convinced by what’s inside you, this reflects your personality to the outside world. The conviction required during this process is a bit infectious, but if you want to present yourself positively, and influence others at a personal level, speak with conviction.
Conviction Without A Cause-And-Effect Analogy
One additional tip here is to play with your voice, so you modulate the tone, pace and volume of your speech to suit your audience. This is not just in a public forum, but even for face-to-face or phone communication. If you speak with conviction for your audience, no matter what you speak, you will leave an unforgettable impact. If you wish to present yourself as a positive speaker, aspire to become a strong listener. Only then would you communicate in a way that demands and captures attention.
To become a good listener, add two key elements to your hearing game:
- Active participation
- Empathy
Passive hearing and listening are two different things. Listening is where you internally tune out what you hear. It is also different from blindly agreeing with another person regardless of any internal rift. Listening – in pure essence – asks you to actively participate while – no offense – keeping your mouth shut!
Think of a time you soothingly dealt with the troubles of another, perhaps a friend, a child, or an elderly member. It’s likely that while they aggressively ranted about their troubles, you actively heard them out with understanding. You probably said very little yourself, but you patiently listened to them vent out. And at the end, they were thankful and thought that of you as:
- A great listener.
- A person who understands others’ problems.
- A compassionate being who willingly supports others to solve their problems.
Don’t you think this is what’s needed? Listening to others will definitely help you become this image (^) with very little effort.
One more thing: make eye contact with the person!
Imagine trying to hold a conversation with someone who is looking at everything going on around them except for you. It would make you feel pretty ignored, right? Making eye contact is one way of showing that you respect the person you’ve just met and that you have an interest in what they are saying. If you are shy and have trouble maintaining eye contact, this is an important thing to practice. Abstain from ogling intimidating looks.
Looking at someone’s eyes can be intimidating, especially if it’s a boss, or someone who has authority over you. You can always get more comfortable by practicing a counter – as mentioned above – at home.
Tip: Just for the sake of developing a nice habit, watch a movie. Every time a new person comes on the screen, just notice the color of their eyes. Don’t start thinking about it. TRY IT NOW!
The Voice | How To Present Yourself
Play with it. Hone it. Dote on it.
Have you ever had that weird feeling of self-praise after hearing a string of words coming out of your mouth? Does it make you feel important, or, somewhat better than others? Does the sound of your words from a certain movie make you feel like ‘Hey, I should’ve been in that movie’?
Aside from the weird string of thoughts mentioned above, there’s a disguised hint hidden there somewhere. You can’t read it in between the lines, but there’s something that caused our mind to click a few light-bulbs out of proportion.
Apart from dialogue development, a positive body language helps re-affirm your verbal communication prowess through gestures and actions – so your message feels more impactful and noteworthy to those listening to you. Body language does not have to be fancy. It can be as simple as a warm greeting when you say, “How are you? I’m glad to see you,” AND re-iterate this message with a comforting handshake and a winsome smile. It’s a natural culmination of what we speak, and how we feel.
Playing With Behavior | How To Present Yourself
Here are a few tips on body language. However, it is strongly recommended that you explore more comprehensive material as well. Pulling back a step:
- Begin a meeting with a firm handshake greeting, and a smile that reaches your eyes. Some cultures may need you to skip the handshake. But keep the smile.
- Respect personal space. Don’t step too close to someone new – 3 to 4 feet is more appropriate.
- Maintain (appropriate) eye contact as this invites trust. However, do take note that you do not stare.
- Don’t close your body, as it indicates a closed mind. No closed fists, closed arms, feet too close together, etc. Instead, adapt a stance that is open and comfortable.
- Play with the mirroring technique, where you (appropriately) “mirror” the other person’s positive posture, tone of voice, gestures, etc. to build a deeper connection with the other person.
Note: Apply this carefully so it does not look like you’re “mocking” the person.
One’s body language reflects the attitude behind all the gestures, postures, tone of voice, etc. It naturally translates to expressions and signals you send outside you. So, if you carry a friendly demeanor within, you’re more likely to carry a smile or use the open-palms stance (indicating friendliness and openness), with no additional effort.
A Positive Presentation – What Would YOU Do?
Ever felt like transforming yourself? Did you know that your mood tangibly alters the self-image you carry – ever so flamboyantly? It is quite normal for people to allow external circumstances dictate their mood.
- Hey; when we get something we desire, we feel elated
- But, when we face disappointment, we feel cheated.
- You know, when a friend appreciates us, we feel good.
- And, when we face criticism, we feel misunderstood.
If you want to present yourself as a positive influence at all times, “wear” an upbeat mood. It’s much like wearing a new outfit every day, only better. Make a conscious decision to feel optimistic, self-assured and cheerful, every moment, every day. It’s not unrealistic. You can make this happen when you decide to focus your energy deriving solutions to problems, and not problems in solutions. It also helps to fatten your verbal dictionary with vibrant, positive, can-do words.
Allow me to let you guys in on a little secret: It is enormously easy to stay In an upbeat mood – constantly – when we genuinely like ourselves. So, become your biggest champion!
Become Your Best Friend | How To Present Yourself
- No matter what your personality, never let yourself believe that you are “not good enough”. BE that best friend that believes you are awesome! It is totally fine to be selfish for a little bit.
- Every single one of us is blessed with a set of unique, virtuous qualities. Do you recognize and appreciate them in yourself? Do you?
- Become self-aware: what are your core strengths and areas of opportunity, beyond your present circumstance?
- Are you okay with your weaknesses? If you have trouble accepting them, what tangible steps can you take to transform them?
- At any time, we’re either growing, or we’re falling. It’s much easier to accept ourselves when we’re on the path to expansion. What are you doing to BE even better?
Walk your talk.
Appreciate yourself. Expect others to be on time. Always inspire relative optimism. It’s fine if someone’s late.
Speak positively and practice what you preach. Hypocrisy is strictly frowned upon, so preach ONLY what you personally practice.
In the end, I will only say one thing. Your biggest long-term investment is YOU – the real, unique brand of mentality that reveals the authentic YOU.
Hold on to that thought. And watch this space for more articles on character building!
Well, there you have it guys! This was all about how to present yourself. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment in the section provided below.
Have a good one!