8 Healthy Summer Drinks to Keep You Cool in Ramadan

Beat the heat and thirst with these energetic drinks.

drinks for summers

‘Water is life’. That’s something we’ve all heard at least 20 times in our lives. And while that is true, water can be a little boring at times. Most of us tend to crave delicious sugary beverages such as soft drinks instead, but we are here to tell you there are much healthier yet equally awesome options out there for your summer drinks.

These soft drinks can only satisfy our cravings temporarily without giving any nutritional benefits. What we do tend to forget is that our body needs something more than that. It needs a healthy amount of protein, fiber, vitamins, etc to function properly and a soft drink can’t do that.

And now that it’s Ramadan and we are fasting in this hot weather, we need something more than just drinks that keep us hydrated.

But what more can we do? Healthy drinks taste too bland and they require a lot of ingredients, right?

Wrong! These 8 healthy beverages are incredibly delicious and you can make them with simple kitchen ingredients. They are hydrating, refreshing, fulfilling, and a few more good ‘ings’ that will give your body the correct nutrition it needs this summer. Trust me, your body will thank you for it.

Here we go!

1. Milk

Milk is a little thicker than water so a lot of people think that it can not hydrate you properly. Some even ditch milk and other dairy products because they are on the heavier side, and we want some light and good nutrition during summer.

However, desi households have always been using milk to combat heat and that is something commendable. Thanx to Rooh Afza, our regular milk doesn’t taste so bland anymore. The age-old formula of ‘laal sharbat’ in milk is oddly satisfying and fulfilling.

Other than calcium, a glass of milk contains protein, potassium, and a bunch of good carbs and vitamins that you can’t get from water. Experiment with your milkshakes, add Rooh Afza or just consume plain milk, the choices are plenty.

2. Lassi

Is summer even considered summer without lassi? Heck no! Another dairy goodness that contains just the right amount of calcium, probiotics, protein and healthy bacteria that keep your healthy bodily functions in check.

Traditionally consumed as salty or sweet, lassi is a great drink to cool down with on a hot summer day. It helps in digestion, reduces bloating, and keeps you hydrated for a long time.

3. Lemon Water

Okay, let’s quickly switch back to limo paani because lemon water sounds way too fancy and we are not ready for this takeover yet.

The good old limo apani is jam-packed with nutrients and Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which means it fights off toxins and free radicals from your body and keeps it healthy and protected.

This easy peasy lemon squeezy drink can be made anytime anywhere, without going overboard on the ingredients.


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4. ABC Juice

ABC, i.e. apple, beetroot and carrot juice is a staple in many diets. It rids your body of toxins, clears up the complexion, is a great source of iron, promotes the production of red blood cells, and does a lot of other great things for your body that water can’t do alone.

Add a little bit of ginger, honey, and lemon and voila! Your daily dose of antioxidants is ready.

5. Fruit Infused Water

Fruit-infused water is as healthy a freshly squeezed glass of fruit juice. However, fruit-infused water is more preferred because unlike fruit juices, they contain less sugar as it gets diluted when kept in water.

More commonly known as ‘detox water’, it is a healthy way to add flavor without the need of adding sugar. It cleanses your body thoroughly and helps aid digestion. Moreover, it increases the hydrating power of water.

Just toss some seasonal fruits and/or citrus fruits, berries, mint, or basil in a water bottle and enjoy through the day.

6. Sattu

Another traditional drink to consume during summers is sattu. This richie rich barley drink is known for its cooling properties for ages. It also cleanses bowels and flushes out toxins, making it the perfect energizer for everyone.

If you don’t know how to make sattu at home, this Food Fusion recipe is here to save the day.

7. Basil Seed or Chia Seed Water

Now coming to the science part of this article, differentiating between chia seeds and basil seeds. People often get confused between these two, and to be honest, it’s not their fault. They look very similar and have similar nutritional benefits. They even look similar when soaked. Both of these are very cooling, which makes them perfect for summers.

However, the most notable and physical difference is that basil seeds are a little larger than chia seeds. From a nutritional perspective, chia seeds contain more fibre and omega-3 fatty acids than basil seeds.

Now that we are done with the science lesson, let’s break down how you can consume these ‘tadpoles’ from our childhood.

  • You can soak either of them in water and then add them to your favorite drinks – milk, water and honey, or rooh afza or any other drink. There are no rules here.
  • Chia seeds are also used in various smoothies and shakes.
  • You can also be a little creative and enjoy them in your puddings, oats or desserts. Because food is art!

8. Herbal Tea

Desi peeps and their obsession for tea is a whole another conversation. However, taking high amounts of caffeine can dehydrate you. For a better alternative, you can switch to herbal teas such as chamomile tea that not only provides with you sufficient hydration but are also very calming and soothing.

Either take them hot or pour them on the rocks, you will instantly feel relaxed and energized.


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Now that you have plenty of options to choose from, there’s no reason to ignore the hydration your body needs. Pick your favorite summer drinks and stay refreshed and hydrated this summer.