Actress Ayeza Khan rocked a glamorous Sunnia Manahil outfit and brings all the dazzle and shine to her look. Looking like an absolute diva, the Laapata star styled this shimmery gown with a bronze makeover. Her hair was fashioned into center-parted glossy waves, perfect to make a statement this party season.
Take a look:
The Chaudhry and Sons star paired the sequenced outfit with a pair of gold stilettos adorned with a cute embellished bow.
Ayeza Khan is one of Pakistan’s most successful and skilled actresses because of her amazing acting skills and endorsements for many fashion brands. She is one of the most followed showbiz personalities on Instagram, with over 11 million followers
The stunning actress keeps earning style points with her chic and trendy outfits while enjoying her long break with friends and family. She is back at work after her long vacation and is engaged in collaborations with different designers to make their latest collections stand out.
Looking so stunning 🥰