Indian Media Threatens Pakistan With Tomato Ban and Yes You Read That Correctly

At least they aren’t throwing tomatoes at each other.

tomato ban

War makes idiots out of us and honestly this is exactly what’s happening if we are to believe the Indian media these days. Following the Pulwama attacks, the Indian media is trying too hard to whip up war hysteria, and somehow they think stopping tomato exports to Pakistan will help them deliver some real hurt to their arch-rival.

Here is a clip that ran on an Indian news channel recently. And no, its not a parody but as real as it gets:

For those who want a summary of the video, basically Indian farmers (and TV anchors) have decided not to export tomatoes to Pakistan. And they happen to be rather animated about it.

First, let us speak the truth here. We do know that when it comes to food, we subcontinent types are bound to have some strong opinions. Also true is the fact that we tend to brag about how superior one dish is to other, and just want everyone else to get in line. We do love our food after all, and want everyone to taste it.

A Worrying Situation

But thanks to the Indians, we may no longer be able to boast which dish is better. Today its tomatoes, and tomorrow it could be sugar.

First they came for the tomatoes and I did not speak out,
Then they came for sugar and there were no more gulab jaamans to be had.

Scary isn’t it? Threatening to stop basic food ingredients is something not even a Bollywood villain would do. Mogambo can launch a couple of ICBM missiles and put bombs in toys, but stopping a crate of tomatoes? Now that’s truly diabolical.

How Pakistanis are Reacting to the Indian Tomato Ban

That truly grim news notwithstanding, Pakistanis are dealing with the situation the only way they know how – with humor.

Here are some of the best reactions to the tomato ban saga:


Tomatoes Become the First Casualty of Indo-Pak War

Jokes aside, it seems that this tomato ban is already causing some ripple effects.

And it begins:

The truly amazing part? Pakistan already has a ban in place for importing Indian tomatoes over the past 3 years.

Some enterprising vegetable sellers are already taking advantage of war hysteria. And then they say war isn’t good for business.

But here’s a plot twist:

Perhaps we can just start planning for what comes next? Might as well prepare to have chicken karhai without tomatoes from now on. This tomato ban business might stay up for the time being.



  1. Its just that Indians say jai jawan and jai kissan.
    soldiers are hurt and farmers did not want to provide food to the country that is harming the nation. Its Thats how they show their love towards soldiers and nation by taking loss to their business. It not going to kill u pakistanis but something they did of their conscious.
