‘Laapata’ OST Is Out & Here’s What We Know About the Story!

The full official soundtrack (OST) of the drama serial ‘Laapata’ has been released and there’s so much to unpack.


The full official soundtrack (OST) of the drama serial Laapata has been released and there’s so much to unpack.

Aside from the obvious romance brewing between Sara Khan and Ali Rahman Khan’s character, we see Ayeza Khan’s ‘Geeti Princess’ eyeing her cousin too.



Here’s What We Know About Ayeza & Sarah Khan’s Characters in ‘Laapata’

We’re looking at a joint family system, with cousin romances and aspirations. Sarah Khan’s character wants to play pro sports, while we already know ‘Geeti Princess‘ is a TikToker.

On the other hand, Ali Rahman Khan’s character has a gambling problem. What we didn’t see is Gohar Rasheed.


The actor is known for playing the protagonist. Yet, even if that’s the case we don’t see how he’ll end up as the bad guy in this scenario. While we have no insight on Gohar Rasheed’s character in Laapata, looks like everyone’s own doing is their undoing.

From a man losing what he has amid a gambling problem, he is trying to make more without putting work in. Then there’s the sports star that lets her emotions get the better of her.


Ayeza Khan Joins TikTok as ‘Geeti’ from Her Upcoming Drama

For Geeti Princess, we’re bound to see how social media is the undoing of our youth. Yet, let’s not forget how many young people have successful careers as social media influencers. Then why blame social media when some people aren’t mindful of practicing empathy online?

What did you gather from the trailer? Let us know your theories in the comments below.