Mathira Defines Her Own ‘Brown Girl Beauty’ [Pictures]

Image Source: Mathira instagram

Model and television show host Mathira is always unapologetically herself. Now the Instagrammer is addressing ‘brown girl beauty’.

Recently old images of Mathira were being circulated. The photographs were being used to compare how the VJ wasn’t always as bronze. She was even compared to Kim Kardashian. KIM K came under many times for cultural appropriation, from blackface to trademarking the word ‘Kimono‘.


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BOL Entertainment’s program, The Insta Show’s host Mathira responded to the matter. The VJ slammed those who ‘criticized her for being brown’.

The television show host posted a series of stories flaunting her brown skin. Saying she’s the ‘Pochahantas’ of her own world. How is this matter even remotely related to a Native American chieftain that established peace between the natives and English settlers? We don’t know.

“I am a brown girl who defines her standards of beauty. The darkness of my skin is my own bronzer. The sun loves me too much that I am immersed in its rays in the summer. I am not ashamed to be brown. I am a Pochahontas in my own world”

In another Instagram post she responded to people being offended.

“You find me offensive…… I find you offensive for finding me offensive ….”


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Mathira talked about ‘what’s wrong with society‘ and the practice of shamming others.

“I have realized people will always shame me when i wear a fully covered dress, I am shamed on my colour… So what if I am a BROWN. I am named shamed for my colour, my weight. What is wrong with our society?”


In the Instagram story, Mathira went on to write how people just like bringing others down.

“Why do we like pushing people to the edge mentally forcing them to breakdon! It’s not at all cool. Women have sent me dm’s to use whitening injections lol I can surely afford them but i don’t want to be white.”

Concluding that she will unapologetically be herself regardless of what people say.

“I am a proud brown thick girl living life freely.. Focus on your black hearts and try to make them white but removing this type of negativity… Life is a small mirror. Be kind!”

Mathira responds to comments of becoming ‘more brown’.


Mathira On Body Shaming

Mathira’s appearance on ‘To Be Honest‘ continues to be the centre of discussions. One of the issues she raised was brown girl beauty. She talked about being body-shammed and shut-shamed.

During the show, she asked comedian Tabish Hashmi why are judgement only for in store for women in Pakistan.

In an Instagram story, she once again affirmed that she has had no work done. She explained the dramatic change in her body type as a hormonal imbalance.

“I’m chubby and I’m happy like this. Who are you to shame me? Focus on yourself, please. I’m so tired of people saying why I have done implants and all seriously it’s a shame. I have hormonal imbalances issues. Stop it. If I do surgeries I will certainly own up. I have put on weight but please stop this nonsense of calling me plastic!”

Did the Insta Show host responds to the query, ‘have you had work done’?