Punjab Hires Transgenders to Go After Tax Defaulters

In a groundbreaking move, the Punjab Excise and Taxation Department has hired the services of transgenders to collect tax from defaulters.

Three transgenders were strategically stationed along Lahore’s Wahdat Road, where they engaged with motorists, advocating for timely tax submissions.

Chaudhry Asif, Director of the Excise and Taxation Department, highlighted the initiative’s dual purpose – to motivate tax compliance and provide a source of regular employment for the transgender community, shielding them from resorting to begging for livelihood.

As part of the arrangement, the transgenders will be compensated with daily wages, amounting to Rs. 1,000 per day.

This progressive step not only aims to enhance tax revenue but also strives towards inclusivity and social empowerment, setting a positive precedent for the integration of marginalized communities into the workforce.

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  • It appears that smog and bad economy combined are taking a toll on the minds of Pakistani rulers in general and Punjabi caretaker setup in particular. They have lost the mental capacity to think rationally.

    Transgenders are generally a victim of ridicule and discrimination in our society and they must be helped and provided with employment opportunities. However, making them stand on the roads urging people to pay taxes will expose them further to ridicule as also this step will serve absolutely no purpose. This shows how dull and desperate we are in our pursuit to set our own house in order. We make the transgenders stand on the roads to enhance tax collection and make brigadiers the heads of DISCOS to collect electricity bills. Laughable!

    • You mean that the transgenders must be made head of DISCOS & the brigadiers must be made stand at the roads for tax collection…?

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