The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) introduced a mobile SMS service “9966” in 2015 to verify FBR active taxpayer status on the Active Taxpayers List (ATL). This SMS service was launched to overcome the difficulties faced by taxpayers and withholding agents in remote areas.
FBR Active Tax Payer Status Verification Via SMS
FBR filer status verification can be done as follows:
- Open the SMS app on your phone.
- Type “ATL space 13 digit CNIC No”.
- Send it to 9966.
For example:
Send an SMS to 9966 with the message ‘ATL CNIC #’ to check your status. You will get this reply:
Mr. Ahmad Khan
Regn No: 4530299834786
ATL Status: InActive
This facility can also be utilized to find out the filer/non-filer status of the taxpayers from the Active Taxpayers List (ATL). If the internet is unavailable in your area, no other evidence of being a “Filer” is allowed.
Online Active Taxpayer Verification Procedure
Sindh Active Taxpayer Status
- Go to
- Select a Search Parameter from the drop-down menu.
- If you select SNTN, type it like this example: 0003456-4.
- If you want to make changes to the registration details, you’ll have to submit an application at the SRB office or online at Sindh’s Taxpayer Portal
The procedure is the same for all the provinces, just different websites.
Punjab Active Taxpayer Status
Balochistan Active Taxpayer Status
KP Active Taxpayer Status
Advantages of being an Active Taxpayer
- Banks will deduct fewer taxes on cash withdrawals and profits.
- Lesser tax on vehicle registration and transfer.
- Lesser tax on property transactions.
- Lesser tax on profits from sales of securities.
- Lesser tax on dividends.
- Lesser tax on lotteries like prize bonds.
- You can get overpaid tax refunded.
Status: Inactive means that the person is not filler?
As i am filler but my status is inactive
You’ll have to confirm with the authorities.
It means that you are not filing your Annual Return for more than 1 Year.