Goras Slaughter of Chicken Qorma Recipe Has Desi Twitter Up in Arms [Reviews]

The little monstrosity united Indians and Pakistanis online.

A popular online Food channel, Tasty UK, tweeted a video recipe called ‘One-Pot Chicken Korma’, which includes rice, raisins, and spinach. The recipe and name shocked desi Twitterati who united over the disgrace of their beloved national dish.

The name ‘one-pot’ made us think that maybe they are trying to do something different but never in our wildest dreams did we expect this artistic desecration of our beloved qorma.

Here are some of the hilarious reactions to the abomination by tweeps:

We don’t know who’s responsible for this little monstrosity but this made even the neighboring country unite and condemn this humiliation of our ethnic food.





Chicken Korma is a widespread meat dish in the subcontinent that traces its origin back to the Mughlai cuisine of the Indian subcontinent. The original is made with yogurt and spices to make the curry after which chicken is added to the curry to be cooked.

Over time, innovations have been introduced to the dish but the basic ingredients have remained the same (without raisins and rice).