The family court case at City Court Karachi has ordered actor Feroze Khan to pay Rs. 80,000 per month to his ex-wife, Aliza Shah, to cover their children’s expenses.
Feroze Khan has been told to pay Rs. 50,000 for his son, Sultan, and Rs. 30,000 for his daughter, Fatima, as interim maintenance based on the hearing that was held on the application of the children.
Feroze Khan has also been directed to pay Rs. 1 lac as surety for his bail.
Besides this, his passport and identity card will be confiscated by the court monitor for five days while his son is with him.
Feroze Khan has been under severe criticism for making excuses about being unable to bear the maintenance and education expenses of his children after divorcing their mother.
His lawyer told the media that he is not eligible for large projects due to the charges and is not in a good financial position right now, which is why he is unable to pay his child support dues.
The court had, previously advised Feroze Khan to make an out-of-court settlement with his ex-wife but the matter could not be resolved, and his lawyer blamed Aliza Sultan for hindering it.