FIR Filed Against Alizeh Shah for Assault on Co-Star

According to reports, the Ehd-e-Wafa star was unprofessional and under the influence of drugs.

Young actress, Minsa Malik has filed FIR against her co-star Alizeh Shah for unprofessional behavior on the set of their upcoming drama serial Mohabbat Ki Aakhri Kahani.

According to the complaint filed on Tuesday, Alizeh Shah was allegedly high on the set, exhibiting erratic behavior, purportedly under the influence of drugs.

The situation escalated when the Ehd-e-Wafa allegedly threw a marijuana cigarette at Malik who in response slapped Shah, prompting a physical altercation between the two.

According to the details mentioned in the FIR, the incident occurred while the cameras were rolling and the shoot was underway. Minsa alleged,

The camera was rolling, the shooting was ongoing for Mohabbat Ki Aakhri Kahani, and I was in the scene. Alizeh Shah was also present, and she was evidently high on drugs. She approached me and threw a marijuana-filled cigarette at me. I moved back to avoid her, and in reaction, I slapped her. She then started physically assaulting me. She used abusive language and tore her own clothes while yelling.

The FIR elaborates on the chaotic scene, stating that Alizeh Shah resorted to using abusive language and even tore her own clothes while the altercation was unfolding. The situation seemed to be captured by the camera that was recording the scene, potentially adding more intrigue to the incident.

Reportedly, Alizeh Shah attempted to prevent the video from being leaked, as she allegedly feared it might damage her reputation. In the FIR, Malik also expressed that Shah had shown signs of jealousy towards her in a professional capacity.

This incident comes as a shock to fans and followers of both actresses. Alizeh Shah, who has gained popularity for her roles in various television dramas, has yet to respond to the accusations made by Minsa Malik. The entertainment industry is eagerly awaiting Shah’s statement regarding the matter.

It remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and if the allegations will have any impact on the careers of both actresses.

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  1. Why can’t our adorable celebraties consult Psychiatrist to tame there psychology to pocket such overnight fame!! Really it will keep them away from drug addiction. By the way marijuana is legally allowed in many parts of the world. In leu of sooth oneself instead of billion $ spent in the western world on humankind mental health! Kindly take my advice seriously keeping in mind the recent sad demise of a young promising singer. Before we die chose a perposeful life. Well wisher of all of the celebraties in the limelight!!
