Nadia Khan Criticises Negative Portrayal of Morning Shows in Jannat Se Agay

“Boring and hard to watch”

The acclaimed host and actor, Nadia Khan recently expressed her concerns about Geo TV drama Jannat Se Aagay. The show revolves around morning shows, their portrayal in the media, and how they affect the viewers through their perception of the host on-screen.

The former host recently appeared on the talk show and criticized Umera Ahmed’s script. She claimed,

We have done a lot of good work and when someone projects it so negatively, it hurts a lot.

The anchor claimed that while a lot of things portrayed in the show are correct, it is quite exaggerated and does not show the positive impact that morning shows have made. She also commented on the writing of the show, claiming that the two episodes she watched were very boring and hard to watch.

Jannat Se Aagay revolves around Jannat Ali Khan (Kubra Khan), who is a morning show host who is willing to do anything for TRPs. She also uses her morning show to portray herself as a savior. The show gives an insight into the morning show culture and its negative impacts on the personal lives of the viewers.

Directed by Haseeb Hassan and written by Umera Ahmed, the show stars Kubra Khan, Gohar Rasheed, Ramsha Khan, and Talha Chahour in the lead roles.

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