Netizens Slam Sarah Silverman for Supporting Cutting Off Electricity/Water Supply to Palestine

The internet schooled the dumb American actor with facts.

American actress and comedian Sarah Silverman is getting schooled online for supporting Israel’s decision to cut off electricity and water supply to the people of Gaza.

On Wednesday, Silverman reposted a statement by an Instagram user that touched upon the Gaza invasion and the cutting off of water and electricity to the region. The post stated that Israel’s stance was simple – “release the hostages and we will turn it back on,” referencing the situation in Gaza.

Silverman’s repost of this statement ignited a passionate discussion online, with many Twitter users expressing their disapproval of her remarks. Critics accused her of hate-mongering and lacking knowledge of the complexities of the situation.

One user pointed out that the mainstream media had reached a point where they were insinuating that Palestinians didn’t deserve access to basic utilities like water and electricity.

Another Twitter user highlighted that Israel had destroyed Gaza’s only power plant in 2014, adding historical context to the debate.

One individual presented legal information, sharing a TikTok video in which a criminal attorney explained the challenges faced by people in Gaza who wish to install new water infrastructure due to Israeli regulations.

E. Michael Jones, the editor of Culture Wars Magazine, expressed his lack of surprise at Silverman’s statements, considering her controversial remarks in the past, such as her comment about Christ.

Author Fatima Bhutto suggested that Silverman’s post acknowledged that Gaza is effectively run as a concentration camp.

Attempting to draw a parallel in the American context, a Twitter user questioned whether authorities in Los Angeles should be allowed to cut off electricity and water in response to a kidnapping, involving the constant bombing of innocent civilians in the area.

The conflict in Gaza has now entered its 14th day, with significant casualties and severe humanitarian concerns. Aid intended for Gaza, stockpiled in Sinai, Egypt, has been delayed in reaching its destination through the Rafah border crossing.

The United States, who brokered the deal for aid delivery to Gaza with the involvement of Israel and Egypt, is still finalizing the details of the deal.

UN officials stress the importance of delivering aid at scale and in a sustained manner, and the delays have raised concerns about access to basic necessities in Gaza. The Rafah border crossing, the only entry point not bordering Israel, is crucial for the movement of goods and people.

Efforts are underway to repair roads leading into Gaza, which have been damaged during the recent conflict. UN officials have indicated that over 200 trucks of aid are ready for transport to address the pressing humanitarian needs in the region.