Rehman Malik Makes Another Thoughtless Mistake on Twitter

Will he ever learn?

Rehman Malik - Iqbal Masih

When our politicians are a national embarrassment how can we blame people in other fields. A recent example is Senator Rehman Malik and his search for the deceased child labor activist, Iqbal Masih.

When a Twitter user tweeted a tribute to Iqbal Masih, Senator Rehman Malik straight out asked for his contact details.

The liberated bonded laborer passed away in 1995. meaning Rehman Malik didn’t even take the time to Google his name.


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Of course, netizens were quick to call out the Senator’s ignorance. They were even appalled and irked by it.

No wonder. He could have at least tried to figure out who this brave child was.

He was trolled for not even trying.

After some brutal trolling, Rehman Malik tried to set things right, by asking for Iqbal Masih’s family’s contact details.

At that point, the damage control wasn’t much help.



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Not only was Rehman Malik’s ignorance embarrassing, he was slammed for his lack of effort in doing right by Masih’s family.

Masih was killed in 1995, and that too during a government of which Rehman was a part of. Trying to do things right for Masih’s family after 24 years is a case of too little too late.

This isn’t the first time a politician has been trolled for their ignorance. Nor is this the first time Rehman Malik was trolled for not getting his facts straight, yet he just doesn’t seem to learn.



  1. Still, he showed moral courage to accept his ignorance; an attribute which is hardly found in politicians especially PPP guys.
